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Photo of Uxue Itoiz

Uxue Itoiz - Director General for Energy, Business R&D&I and Entrepreneurship, Department of Industry and Ecological and Digital Business Transition, Navarra

Born in Pamplona / Iruña in 1980, she has a degree in Biology from the University of Navarra. She has complementary training in the use and management of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), group facilitation and conflict resolution, and is an official European certifier of EuroVelo routes.

Between 2016 and 2021, she worked on the promotion of the Navarre Agency for Territory and Sustainability, Lursarea. In this field, she has managed and promoted projects for the promotion of sustainable territorial development based on public-private partnerships. She has promoted projects for collaboration between local, regional and European administrations and is an expert in sustainable mobility.

She has also participated and collaborated in projects focused on the use of biomass as a source of energy or wood for high-rise construction, as well as in European projects such as POCTEFA, SUDOE, ERASMUS PLUS, LIFE, Atlantic Area or Euroregion, among others.

In this role, she has supported the Local Action Groups of Navarre in projects to stimulate the circular economy and energy transition at local level, as well as in the study, analysis and ways of working together through the Participatory Local Development Strategies (EDLP) FEADER, especially with the entrepreneurial fabric.

In March 2021 she was appointed Director General of Industry, Energy and Strategic Projects S3, Department of Economic and Business Development. In August 2023 she was appointed Director General for Energy, Business R&D&I and Entrepreneurship at the Department of Industry and Ecological and Digital Business Transition.