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Picture of Tracey Burke

Tracey Burke - Director General for Local Government, Housing, Climate Change, and Rural Affairs, Welsh Government

Tracey was born and brought up in Cardiff before leaving to work across the UK, internationally and latterly back in Wales. She has been directly involved in the regeneration and public service reform in Wales and Ireland for over 25 years working for the Welsh Government, Welsh Development Agency, the Irish Government, the UK Government as well as the European Commission and OECD.

Tracey joined the Welsh Government in 2006 and has held posts in economic policy and transport policy, as well as a wider strategic role across the economy, skills and natural resources. Tracey was appointed as Director General for Education and Public Services in 2017 and with a budget of over £7bn had responsibility for local government, housing, regeneration and land, school education, communities and tackling poverty as well as the care and health inspectorates in Wales. She was Chair of the Tax Policy Co-ordination Group and the Chair of the Welsh Government’s Committee for Strategic Investment. In April 2022, Tracey took up post as Director General for Climate Change and Rural Affairs including responsibility for transport infrastructure and services and energy.

In April 2024 Tracey became the Director General for Local Government, Housing, Climate Change and Rural Affairs. This includes planning, local government, climate change adaptation and mitigation, rural affairs, housing and regeneration across Wales as well as the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer. The work is broad in scope, with activities ranging from challenges relating to creating a Net Zero Wales by 2050; ensuring people have high-quality, warm, secure and energy-efficient homes to live in; Local Government policy, performance, finance and governance; the development of a future sustainable farming scheme; responding to the climate and nature emergencies, as well as supporting the food and marine sectors.