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Picture of Nadine Leder

Dr Nadine Leder - Lecturer in Logistics & Operations Management, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University

Dr Nadine Leder is a Lecturer in Logistics and Operations Management at Cardiff Business School. Her research expertise is in Circular Economy, with a focus on Circular Operations, Circular Business Models, and Circular Supply Chains. Nadine has contributed to various research projects, including the Interreg FACET project, funded by the European Development Fund, which explored the implementation of circular solutions in the Tourism and Hospitality sectors across coastal regions in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and England.

Her current research focuses on reducing single-use plastic packaging, specifically through the use of reusable cups and aggregated bags. She is further investigating the scalability of the business model associated with repair cafes and is looking into the required skill set and capabilities when designing Regenerative and Net Zero Supply Chains. Through her research, Nadine aims to deliver public value by generating social and economic well-being. Prior to joining academia, she gained valuable industry experience working in the logistics department of a machinery and plant engineering organisation in Shanghai.