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Picture of Gavin Bunting

Professor Gavin Bunting - Faculty of Science and Engineering, Swansea University

Gavin is a Professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Swansea University. He chairs the Circular Economy and Research and Innovation Group, Wales (CERIG) bringing together circular economy expertise throughout Wales,

Materials Engineer by background, his research and teaching is focussed on circular economy, life cycle analysis, sustainability and environmental policy and secured Welsh Government funding to establish the Lifecycle Analysis for Circular Economy (LCA4CE) lab.

Gavin is the lead for the UKSPF funded Applied Research for Circular Solutions (ARCS) programme, which helps industry in South-West Wales innovate in the area of circular economy by connecting them to university expertise.

Gavin is a member of the Welsh Government’s Net Zero by 2035 Challenge Group, developing advice to Government on opportunities to reduce emissions to net zero over the next 17 years. The Group is organising its work through a series of Challenges focussed on the 5 following areas: food systems; energy; built environment; transport; education, work and jobs. Gavin co-chairs the food systems group and is the circular economy expert.