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Picture of Bryony Bromley

Bryony Bromley - Education Manager, Keep Wales Tidy

Bryony Bromley works as Education Manager at Keep Wales Tidy, who run the international Eco-Schools programme in Wales. Bryony has a background in Environmental Science and Teaching and has used her passion in both areas to drive forward the work of Eco-Schools in Wales; with engagement of over 90% of Welsh schools, there is rarely a quiet moment. She is a firm believer in leading by example when it comes to making more sustainable lifestyle choices and using positive inspiration to engage and empower learners and teachers alike.

On a personal level Bryony is passionate about supporting organic, regenerative farming techniques and has been vegan for over 20 years. She established preloved uniform at her local school and looks to bring Circular Economy concepts into all areas of home and community life. She has two daughters who attend local Eco-Schools and enjoys spending any free time she has in her wild garden or walking her dogs.