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Picture of Alun Harries

Alun Harries - Charity Manager, Wastesavers

Alun Harries joined Wastesavers Charitable Trust and Recycling Limited as their Charity Manager in January 2019, during which time the charity has grown from 3 reuse shops to 10, and added additional services to expand reuse and repair. These include 2 repair cafes, 2 Library of Things and a Nappy Library. This growth has seen the charity side of the business grow from 16 staff members to 54, 14 of which originally came to WCTL as volunteers. Wastesavers began its life in 1986 as a small voluntary organisation. Its main concern was raising awareness through education about material reuse and recycling. Since then it has grown substantially to become the leading third sector recycling group in Wales.

Alun is a post graduate in Sustainable Social Enterprise and has been working in the third sector for over 15 years.